‘The Obstacle Is the Way’

The Ancient Art of Turning Adversity to Advantage (a book by Ryan Holiday)

Josh Hoffman
Epic Freelancing


Credit: Lifehacker

The Epic Freelancing Book Club starts … today!

Currently, we have 22 members — and I’m sure this number will grow with each coming month.

The books I selected provide more than just systems, strategies and tactics to help you become a better freelancer; they provide deeper insights into philosophical, psychological and even sociological concepts that can be applied to your current or future freelance life, as well as your life away from work.

Because, in order to implement the most effective freelance systems, strategies and tactics, you need to start by developing the most effective philosophies, mindsets and perspectives.

(If you’re interested in books specifically about freelancing, feel free to email me so I can recommend a few to you.)

With that said, the book for February 2017 is The Obstacle Is the Way: The Ancient Art of Turning Adversity to Advantage, by Ryan Holiday.

I chose this book because almost every freelancer or aspiring freelancer is experiencing some sort of obstacle — whether real or perceived.

“I don’t have enough time, experience, money, skills, [fill in the blank].”

“The time isn’t right.”

“I’m too old.”

“There’s so much competition.”

The question isn’t whether or not your unique obstacles are legitimate. Instead, the question is how you approach and, ultimately, overcome them to accomplish your freelance goals.

That’s why I chose The Obstacle Is the Way.

In this book, you will learn how to turn obstacles — which are often based on fear, frustration, anxiety, confusion and helplessness— into opportunities. I’m only on page 30, and I’ve already learned so much.

You can buy the book on Amazon here >>

If you’re not already a member of the Epic Freelancing Book Club, be sure to join so you can participate in the weekly discussions about this book.

To turning obstacles into opportunities—


Epic Freelancing is the go-to resource for freelancers who want to achieve financial success, creative freedom and lifestyle design.

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Founder of IZZY – Stream Israel, basketball lover, mental health advocate